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INTERVIEW: Dr Prince Nduka Alum, On Writing His First Book And Championing Philanthropy In Italy
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INTERVIEW: Dr Prince Nduka Alum, On Writing His First Book And Championing Philanthropy In Italy

Meet Dr Prince Nduka Alum, a Nigerian-born entrepreneur of Igbo heritage who has spent most of his life in Italy. Renowned for his successful chain of supermarkets and his generous philanthropy throughout Italy, Dr Alum has recently embarked on a new journey as an author. Despite a lifelong passion for writing, it took years for him to finally take the plunge and write an intriguing book – his first, and one that would captivate readers from the get-go.

His debut book, “Behind the Doors of Fate,” which has received great reviews, is the result of his determination to finally put pen to paper. As he prepares for his book launch on July 21, 2024, at 5 pm, we sit down with Dr Alum to explore his remarkable transition from entrepreneur to author and the inspirations behind his compelling new work.

Photo credit: Marlon Schmeiski

Judith Chi  Dr Prince, you’ve had a successful career as an entrepreneur for over three decades. What inspired you to finally pursue your passion for writing and publish your first book, “Behind the Doors of Fate”?

Dr Prince Nduka Alum Giving a voice to the voiceless and encouraging critical thinking about certain customs, cultures, and traditions are the principal motivations behind my writings. I have always been a proponent of questioning any tradition that does not make sense and discarding those that cannot get reasonable explanations. That, for me, is the basis of critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.

JC Can you tell us more about the title of your book, “Behind the Doors of Fate”? The title sounds intriguing and relatable. What inspired this title, and how does it relate to your crafted story?

DPNA The book started as one of my many “Bedtime Stories” as “Sold Into Early Marriage.” As the story evolved, many of my followers began clamouring for an appropriate title for such a life-impacting story. The idea of how the faith and resilience of the Major Characters impacted and shaped the fate that befell them contributed to the choice of the title “Behind the Doors of Fate.”

JC Having been an entrepreneur for over three decades, with a successful chain of supermarkets in Padova, Rome, Florence and other cities in Italy, how did you balance your business responsibilities with your passion for writing this book?

DPNA It is true that the more you engage your brain, the more resilient it becomes. At the end of each hectic day, I come home tired but determined to write an episode of the Bedtime Story before retiring. At one point, my wife suggested that I post the story on alternate days, but most of my followers would not go to bed without reading the new episode. I must confess that the zeal to please my followers added strength to my desire to write. Sometimes, I attempted to write during the day, but my spirit was not connecting to the vision. But the ideas began to flow once I got home and slumped into the couch.

Photo credit: Dr. Prince N. Alum

JC Your daughters Chidimma and Kaodi played a part in your writing journey. How did your efforts to encourage them to write novels influence your decision to become an author, and what did you learn from that experience?

DPNA My daughters, Chidimma and Kaodi, have a talent for creative writing. My failed efforts to encourage them to write adventure stories and their initial reluctance sparked my writing journey. As Einstein [once] said, “I am grateful to those who refused to help me because they encouraged me to do it myself.” I have no doubt, however, that Chidimma and Kaodi will indeed write excellent books in the future.

JC  Philanthropy and supporting ex-pats in Italy have been significant aspects of your life. How have these experiences and your commitment to community service influenced your writing and the messages in your book?

DPNA  Investing in humanity is a profoundly healthy spiritual practice that brings joy to my heart. I find fulfilment in empowering fellow immigrants to establish a strong presence in the business world. As the Igbo adage goes, ‘When all kinsmen have enough wealth, enmity will cease.’ While it was challenging in the late 1990s and early 2000s to meet the demands for assistance in starting economic ventures, that experience revealed the true essence of ‘Market Place Ministration’. That is my calling, and I am dedicated to continuing this work.

JC  Italy is known for its rich literary tradition. How has your life in Italy, and perhaps the culture and landscape, influenced your writing?

DPNA Italy’s rich cultural heritage and how its people zealously guard and transmit their traditions to future generations have significantly influenced my writing choices. While it’s easier to focus on contemporary stories, I prefer to explore African traditions and shed light on some traditions that negatively or positively impact our growth as a community. Additionally, the promotion of women’s rights and the pursuit of equal opportunities profoundly impact the selection of main characters in my writing. I strive to create stories celebrating cultural heritage and promoting gender equality and empowerment.

JC  Being an entrepreneur and a writer are pretty different professions. How did your experience in the business world influence your approach to writing and storytelling?

DPNA As an entrepreneur with businesses across Italy, I’ve had the privilege of working, interacting, and exchanging ideas with diverse individuals, including immigrants and locals. These experiences have broadened my perspective on people and life, allowing me to see things from different angles and foster a deeper understanding of the world around me. My interactions with people from various backgrounds have been invaluable, shaping my views and helping me become more empathetic and open-minded.

JC  Your book launch is scheduled for the 21st of July 2024. What emotions are you experiencing as the date approaches, and what do you hope your readers will take away from “Behind the Doors of Fate”?

DPNA My guiding principle has been ‘be anxious about nothing,’ which has been my anchor throughout the challenging stages of writing, editing, and printing. I never realized how complex the process could be, but resilience and determination became my steady companions. I’m facing another significant hurdle as I prepare for the book launch. Initially, I was uncertain about the number and type of guests to invite. Still, as the event approaches, I am worried that the venue might not be large enough to accommodate the growing number of interested attendees. Despite my concerns, I remain hopeful and focused on making this launch successful.

JC  Procrastination is something many aspiring writers struggle with. What advice would you give those passionate about writing but finding it hard to start or complete their projects?

DPNA Don’t wait for the perfect moment to start writing – it may never arrive. Overcoming procrastination is a daily process, not a one-time event. Take action today and every day by picking up your pen, phone, or laptop and starting to write. Don’t worry about the title, pattern, or perfection – these will emerge as you write. Just start, and let the words flow!

Photo credit: Jacob Morch

JC Can you give us a sneak peek into the main themes or messages of “Behind the Doors of Fate”? What do you hope to convey through your story?

DPNA “Behind the Doors of Fate” is a captivating novel that explores how faith shapes fate. This gripping tale follows Adaeze and Eddy from diverse backgrounds as they navigate adversity, discover the impact of their choices, and uncover the power of resilience. Through their journeys, we learn that life’s obstacles are growth opportunities, and our responses shape our destiny.

Adaeze’s courageous path teaches us that positive reactions, faith, and the human spirit can overcome even the darkest challenges. This inspiring story invites us to reflect on our choices and paths, exploring diverse cultures, history, and the human experience. Join Adaeze and Eddy as they emerge from the labyrinth of uncertainty, guided by hope and perseverance.

Behind The Doors Of Fate is a testament to the power of the human spirit, encouraging readers to embrace their challenges and shape their fate through faith and determination.

JC What challenges did you face as a first-time author during the writing process, and how did you overcome them to bring your book to life?

DPNA As a first-time author, I encountered several challenges, including:

Getting started and overcoming initial doubts

Believing that my work would resonate with readers and be worth their time

Developing unique thoughts and writing patterns that stand out

Securing the necessary funds to finance the project

These hurdles tested my resolve, creativity, and perseverance but ultimately made my writing journey more rewarding

JC  Looking ahead, do you plan to continue writing? Can you share insights into potential projects or themes you’d like to explore in your writing?

DPNA When you break free from the chains of procrastination, the only limit is the sky! I’ve overcome procrastination and am now looking to the future. I’m already brainstorming ideas for a sequel to ‘Behind The Doors of Fate,’ but in the meantime, my second book, ‘THE GIRL CHILD,’ is nearing completion. The momentum is building, and I’m excited to share my new work with the world!

Photo credit: Anna Shvets

I am still considering the final title for the book, but in the meantime, let me share an abstract and the three titles I have in mind.

THE GIRL CHILD: Riding my storm

THE GIRL CHILD: Rhythms of destiny

See Also

RHYTHMS OF DESTINY: The Story of a Girl Child

The rhythms of destiny unfold in the intricate dance of choices Chizoba made as she struggled to pursue what she saw as her purpose and destiny.

She defies circumstances, time and chance, weaving a unique path to her desire to become a lawyer. In a tapestry of experiences shaped by fate and free will, she finds love and a career where she least expected it.

Photo credit: Fabio Mariano

The rhythms of destiny unfold in the intricate dance of choices Chizoba made as she struggled to pursue what she saw as her purpose and destiny.

She defies circumstances, time and chance, weaving a unique path to her desire to become a lawyer. In a tapestry of experiences shaped by fate and free will, she finds love and a career where she least expected it.

JC  Who and what inspires you?

DPNA I find inspiration in:

The people I meet and their unique stories

The pursuit of spiritual growth and self-discovery

The opportunity to create new stories that resonate with others

The chance to positively impact people’s lives through my writing

JC What are your three favourite things?

DPNA [They are]:

Eating healthy food


Learning new things daily

Get your copy of Behind the Doors of Fate from Amazon and Lulu.

Book Launch event: Afro Compound, Via Bernina 18, Padova, Italy. Date & Time: 21st July 2024, at 5pm GMT+2.

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